Dear Gossips,
Today is B-Day. Well, for some of us, every day is B-Day. Today, though, is generally celebrated as THE day. The day Beyoncé was born. Every year, when this day comes around, people the world over offer their well-wishes on this holiday, even other celebrities. Ava DuVernay got started early:
It’s midnight on the east coast. Time to offer well wishes and warmest regards to a living legend. Put some respeck on it. A happy, healthy, best life living birthday to @Beyonce. And many more! 🦋
— Ava DuVernay (@ava) September 4, 2018
Maybe not as early as Miss Tina though:
I like that little tease, did you pick up on it? Beyoncé and Jay-Z’s last OTR2 show was on Friday in Miami. They’re not performing again until September 11 in Arlington. Of course not. The schedule was built so that she would have time on off her birthday, off somewhere doing her thing leaving it to us to celebrate her. That said, ever benevolent, she’s been known to celebrate herself by gifting us with herself. Last year, remember? Eighteen portraits of her family and famous friends, including Michelle Obama and Serena Williams, all posing in Formation. I wonder if there will be a surprise this year.
Welcome back from the long weekend, if you had one. It’s officially back to school. And we’re officially in gossip high season!
Yours in gossip,