Miss Flo gave us some great gossip this year and is closing it out by promoting a movie that her ex, Zach Braff, directed. Which means she might be good for gossip in 2023 as well.
The tit-for-tat between Netflix/Harry & Meghan and the royal family continues, with a new story in PEOPLE reporting that Kate is a “big hugger.” Obviously the Firm is invested in protecting Kate and while Harry points out that the women who join his family pay a high price, he doesn’t seem to count Kate amongst those women (at least not anymore). Personally, the Kate and Harry relationship is one that I’m the most fascinated by because they were close at one time. It seems obvious now that Harry was always going to leave his official role and luckily found the right person to leave with. As for being a hugger or not a hugger, the royals could have squashed this easily because I think most adults can empathize with both sides. Many people have met their siblings’ new partner and been polite but not super chummy. It’s totally human and normal to have awkward interactions with new people! And we all know someone who doesn’t mesh with their in-laws. There are entire Reddit forums about this. If the Sussexes and Wales’ (who were family as well as colleagues) biggest issue was hugging, they were actually off to a pretty good start.
Where have all the girl bosses gone? There’s been a lot of ink spilled on the end of that particular era (like Elle’s Is This The End of the Girl Boss? and The Girl Boss Has Left the Building by Amanda Mull in The Atlantic.) There are multiple reasons that “girl boss” became a sarcastic slight rather than a compliment, including the declining value of being a “hustler” and the white feminism of many of the brands. It’s not cool to be a CEO in 2022. Original girl boss (she literally wrote the book on it and Charlize Theron played her in the short-lived TV adaption) and Nasty Gal founder Sophia Amoruso is now into life coaching. Life coaching is one of those vague things that becomes popular every 5-10 years (and the coaches always have the messiest lives!). Wellness, as it is packaged on the internet, is a hamster wheel. No one is allowed to get off and there’s always something new to try (with a monetary cost, of course). The goal is endless self-improvement. To sell products, influencers first identify a deficiency to target, be it “you don’t sleep enough” or “you are too stressed” or “you need better skin care.” Oftentimes, an influencer/wellness CEO will go on some kind of sacred journey and they share with their followers, with a “this worked for me!” recommendation and then suddenly everyone seems to be drinking celery juice or oil pulling. Will “life coaching” be the juice cleanse of 2023?
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Uma Thurman is so chic. Millions of dollars in clothing options and a team of stylists couldn’t do this because it’s an inherent sense of style that money can’t buy. The sharp shoulders and the turtleneck, she looks like she’s from the 1950s but of today - classic and modern.
No matter how many shows HBO Max kills, “Hey, it’s Che Diaz” will never die.
BREAKING: HBO Max cancels every single show except Che Diaz’s pilot
— Nori Reed (@realnorireed) December 13, 2022