Stephen Amell thought he was being funny. Do you know what’s funny? “Walmart Batman.”

More wrestling drama! John Cena and Nikki Bella have called off their May 5th wedding and split up. Sources told PEOPLE it was because he got cold feet and that although he plays the ultimate good guy, he’s actually not one in this relationship. One detail I noted is that she was going to wear Marchesa. Bad omen.


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Look, it’s the biggest cliché but tell me who among us has the power not to check on a fire truck when it drives by.


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Eminem and Maude’s dad are only 5 years apart in age.


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Spring is such a mindf-ck of a season. You can’t trust it.


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Henry Cavill’s GQ Italia cover, his first without a moustache. I think he knows that his moustache is the most interesting thing to note because – and this is an art direction issue – this is a boring cover shot. A passport photo would be more interesting.


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Have you been seeing Fendi all over your feed? It’s because of the re-launched FF logo, which I will always associate with Carrie’s baquette purses on Sex and the City. The new FF is for the Instagram generation, the one that likes monograms (or, rather, likes showing them off). Basically every fashion house is trying to get some of those Gucci dollars. 


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