Celebrity chefs have staked a claim in the lifestyle landscape – they may not have perfume or clothing lines, but they have a lot of TV exposure, cookbooks and restaurants, which were once a pillar of the celebrity lifestyle portfolio (remember Madre’s? And NYLA?). That trend died out because restaurants may seem like a fun side gig (especially with a big budget), but they are also a labyrinth of city permits and food costs and kitchen waste and lease negotiations. It gets very expensive, very fast. And even Jamie Oliver, the cherub-faced, scooter-riding mogul, gets walloped by the industry sometimes. This piece, which covers the cold hard cash aspect of running a food empire, is a really interesting dive into where all the money goes. 


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Megan Mullally danced with Rob Lowe in About Last Night?! And she read for the Elizabeth Perkins role?! I think this calls for a weekend viewing. 


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 I’m pretty sure this means Cher is looking forward to A Star Is Born. 

I don’t understand the appeal of wax statues of celebrities, but they did a decent job with Gisele. They didn’t skimp on the hair.


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Let us feast from your bounty, Mighty Oprah!!!!!!


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"Celebrity Skin", an underrated pop song, is 20. The New Yorker celebrated the “enduring artifact” with a piece by, who else?, Naomi Fry

I was away last week when Julia Roberts posted this TBT but it is glorious. Look at the mirrored aesthetic (half-up, messy hair, minimal makeup) and the sanctimonious malaise in the way they hold their heads. The pursed lips, in mid-judgement, almost pitying of all of the sweaty normals surrounding them. Who lectures who in this situation? Do they take turns?


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I too would very much like to know where the f-ck my Wendi Deng biopic is. Who would play her? (Please don’t say ScarJo.)