There was a small piece on today about how Joe Alwyn “has zero interest in being a celebrity,” despite the fact that he has chosen to be a film actor and is dating one of the most famous pop stars in the world. Still, he wants to remain private, says a “Swift source,” and that has worked for them, allowing the relationship to form without outside influence. It’s a strategy that doesn’t look like a strategy, which I can appreciate. So where do the “Swift sources” come in, the ones who are quoted in this piece? Aren’t they jeopardizing the privacy that Joe wants by talking about his privacy?


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Mindy Kaling is going to Netflix to develop a coming-of-age comedy about an Indian girl. Exciting but it also feels inevitable, right? Netflix is aggressive in securing the most exciting showrunners, directors, and show creators. Of course Mindy is on that list. She’s had two bestselling books about her life, so of course we want her coming-of-age story. The only surprise is that it took this long.


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OK speaking of streaming, there’s been a lot of chatter about Apple TV, mostly because no one knows what the f-ck is going on with it. They have secured major talent (like Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Aniston for Top of the Morning) but there are a lot of questions on how subscriptions and access will work. What they don’t want is another Planet of the Apps dud out of the gate.


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Ricky Gervais has a new interview in the NYT and I can’t find the tweet now, but someone called it a headache. And that’s exactly what it is. The interviewer, David Marchese, does an excellent job of asking Ricky how can be a provocateur if he is constantly punching down. 


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Amy Schumer revealed that her husband Chris was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. She went on Seth Meyers and talked about wanting to destigmatize the diagnosis and encourage people to seek out tools that could improve their lives. She’s also a comedian and a good talk show host guest, so one thing that she brought up is that her husband can’t lie. When she asked how she looks before going on stage, he said, “It’s too late now.” He also can’t lie for her, which is a problem when you want to leave a party early.