Instagram engagement is a mess and it is on the brink of becoming to Zillennials what Facebook is to Millennials (embarrassing digital relic). That’s why there’s a noticeable shift in how celebrities use it. Like Twitter, it has become more formal and much less conversational as celebrities hand over their accounts to a team to manage. The celebrities who own multiple brands are just trying to squeeze every last bit of promotion out of it. But where do we go from here?
I think JLo was onto something with her newsletter, which hasn’t come out with a new edition in forever! Generally, newsletters are making a comeback and that might mean celebrity websites and blog posts make a comeback. That would be amazing.
Some of the best original content still being made is movie character parodies. Has there ever been a woman bartender character who doesn’t kick ass and take names?
Yes, I watched Never Have I Ever over the weekend (I hit up a few episodes twice) and the ending was satisfying. Too satisfying? That’s a good question. As for the clothes, which I know there are a lot of questions about, I’ll have a rundown on As Seen On Social Media on Wednesday.
Naomi Watts and Billy Crudup (who I think I will forever carry a grudge against for cheating on Mary-Louise Parker when she was pregnant, but I also really liked him in Almost Famous) got married. Very elegant outfits on both.
For all my lamenting about the state of social media, Twitter isn’t dead yet. Not with content like this.
shawn mendes to the canadian wildfire:
— olivia (@THEMARlAHFILES) June 9, 2023
Even if you aren’t interested in Doc McStuffins as a show, hearing from the creator Chris Nee is so interesting. She was poached from Disney by Netflix and now has walked away from Netflix and pinpoints what streamers are getting wrong about animation and children’s shows. She makes two excellent points: Netflix does not prioritize rewatches (a massive part of pre-school audience) and the lack of brand trust (as compared to the mighty mouse).
Remember “the cut”? That modern shag had us in its grip and to me, this is a version of the cut. Yes it is French but also very Goldie Hawn.