Ryan Reynolds is making headlines (in Canada) because of a rumour he is interested in purchasing the Ottawa Senators. I’m a little dubious about this because while he does co-own Wrexham AFC, there’s a huge gulf in how much that team costs versus how much an NHL team costs. While he may join a group taking a run at purchasing a team, I don’t see him being a single owner. 


If I were to tell you about a show starring Judy Greer, Rachel Bloom, Paul Reiser, Johnny Knoxville and Keegan-Michael Key would you know what I was talking about? It’s Reboot on Disney+ and it’s a meta take on a cheesy sitcom reboot and very inside baseball (like Extras, Episodes and The Comeback). If that piques your interest, you might enjoy Reboot. 


More on celebrity investments: Diddy, who has seen huge success with Cîroc vodka, is investing big in cannabis and as his caption says this is about more than business. 


Lainey wrote about the spectacular looks for Wakanda Forever in London and I agree, every look is amazing. As is this Ebony cast cover. 

We are well past Halloween and fully in Mariah season but I want to highlight Neil Patrick Harris and his family because this is serious costuming. This is planning. This is a photo shoot. But one thing I’ve noticed about NPH is that he is not well-liked on Twitter (and maybe Instagram, but it’s harder to tell). I’d be interested to know his Q score. 


Another day, another Nick Cannon baby. Seriously, what is going on with him. Like is there an end goal in sight?

Oprah has released her iconic Favourite Things list, something she has kept going after her show. She’s also making news for endorsing Democratic nominee John Fetterman over Dr. Oz. This is huge for obvious reasons and even though she doesn’t denigrate Dr. Oz, it’s a clear statement. 


OK Twitter is in a really bad spot right now and lots of my favourites are leaving but like I said, I’ll be there until the end. But now where will everyone meet? If only the Jeremy Renner app still existed.