This is some old-school paparazzi’ing right here, with Jennifer Garner at the pumpkin patch with her kids. Pumpkin patches ruled the scene in the early-2000s, celebrities. Like Hyde, but with hayrides.
Did you know Kate Walsh has a perfume called Boyfriend? It’s over 10 years old! Anyway I’m really here because she accidentally announced her engagement during an Instagram Live with Amy Brenneman. She’s engaged to a farmer. Um – is this a Hallmark movie? Like in a good way! According to the Page Six report, they met on a cruise, which makes it even more made-for-TV. Kate, please option this into a TV movie.
Rita Ora is the newest celebrity to open their doors for Architectural Digest’s house tour. I absolutely love this home - it’s historical and has character, not like the (mostly) soulless LA mansions that are often featured. While I don’t agree with some of her art choices, it’s clear that Rita takes great care and pride in the history and appreciates the design and construction. I will be surprised if she sells this home in the next year and is using this as real estate promotion.
Gwyneth Paltrow took a trip to Italy for her birthday and that is my excuse to post this great story by Rebecca Jennings at Vox, “The Instagram capital of the world is a terrible place to be.” It’s about Positano specifically but it’s also about the “claustrophobic doom” of popular destinations like Italy (or Tulum or Iceland or any other hot spot) and the sinking feeling of watching influencers line up for photos. Travel has become a competition – the booked-in-advance restaurants are not that good and the museums are crowded and sweaty. A must read for anyone who suffers from summer holiday FOMO.
Taylour Paige got married (yesterday?) and Logan Browning posted the first photos I’ve seen on her IG. I love, love, love Taylor’s cape with the hood. This is a dress with a point of view— no strapless sweetheart dress for Taylour. (Thanks for sending Angela!)
Diane Kruger has written a children’s book. I need someone who works in publishing to explain the margins on these books to me because why is it such a popular genre for celebrities? Below is Jimmy Fallon signing books he co-wrote with JLo. He has a whole series of them!
If social media is an indication of what is going on behind the scenes, Lindsay Lohan is doing well. She seems focused and ready for Netflix and Netflix is ready for her. Notice how she is the only name on the poster? There’s already a lot of audience anticipation for this.