For weeks now there have been rumours about Lady Gaga performing at the Olympic Games Opening Ceremony on Friday. Those rumours are looking more and more true now that she’s in Paris. There’s a lot happening in Paris on any given day, of course, but right now… I mean… for someone as famous as Gaga, there can only be one thing going on, right? 


Gaga sang Edith Piaf’s “La Vie En Rose” in A Star is Born so that’s a possibility. “La Vie En Rose” is probably the most famous French song of the last century, right? Ever? And it’s literally been a century since Paris has hosted the Olympic Games. “La Vie En Rose” was released in the 1940s so this would be the first time it would be performed at an Olympics in Paris.  


But if that’s the case, should it be Lady Gaga singing it? Or a person who speaks French as her first language? And who has performed the song many times before. I’m talking of course about Celine Dion!

And she too is in Paris! There have also been rumours that she’s to perform at the Opening Ceremony too – and I guess her presence in Paris would … almost confirm? This is what Variety is reporting and for me, she’d be the first choice for “La Vie En Rose”, not only because of the language but because, well, considering the meaning of the song, a woman’s enduring love for a man through rose-coloured glasses, and what she’s lost….

“C'est lui pour moi, moi pour lui, dans la vie”


If there’s anyone who will live her life with one love, it’s our Queen of All Feelings. 

But there are multiple interpretations of her love in this case. If you’ve seen the documentary, I Am: Celine Dion, you know that singing is also her life. And singing is also what she has lost: elle a perdu la chanson. 

And now… elle a regagné la chanson?!

To be clear, all we want for our Queen is good health, that’s all. We dare not ask for more. But if she’s ready to give us more – this is what she says she wants, more than anything, she told us she would stop at nothing to sing again. Is she… ready to sing again? 


Could this mean, seeing her in Paris, that it’s time? 

(Start at 1:20)


Click here for more of Celine in Variety.

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