This dove grey dress looks great on Claire Danes and she’s the third celebrity around the same age who’s wearing her hair in this length bob. Michelle Williams, Carey Mulligan, and now Claire all have the same hairstyle. Is that enough to make it a trend? (Go Fug Yourself)


It’s no surprise that Elon Musk has endorsed who he has endorsed. While pretending he cares about the democratic process…while running a town hall like a dictatorship. (Cele|bitchy) 

How much weed do you think Snoop Dogg smokes in one day? 75 – 100 sounded excessive to me, and yes I know it’s Snoop and maybe he chains that sh-t but at that amount, he wouldn’t have any energy to inhale, you know? You know why I believe him? Because nine or ten joints over the course of a day, like one every hour and a half or so, is basically a working day and the rest of the time he sleeps or spaces out. Or, like, he’s on a plane or something where it’s illegal. (Dlisted) 

I got a new phone in September, and I love it, except for one thing: my Wordle streak ended. My streak is currently 49 days with a 100% average but it’s not an accurate representation because all my f-ckups from before are gone and I’ve gotten better at it over the year, in part because I also changed my routine. I now play Spelling Bee BEFORE Wordle instead of after so by the time I get to Wordle my brain has already been fired up by Spelling Bee. Anyway, all this to say there’s a new editor at Wordle and some slight changes will be made, not that most people will even notice. (Pajiba) 

It’s election day in the United States and Vox explains why the results might not be available by tonight. ALSO… there’s still time, VOTE! (Vox)