Rebekah! You’re not too late – HAPPY BIRTHDAY! But I do hear you about being exhausted… especially, um, with all the recent developments. But that bonfire idea sounds amazing, especially since it’s outside! As for looking to Dolly, come on, we can always look to Dolly. Dolly is every year. But let me try a different Dolly angle here. You know who loves Dolly? BTS. At the Grammys a couple of years ago, Jungkook actually cried during Dolly’s performance. You can see him wiping his tears:
Jungkook crying during Dolly Parton
— Rosanâ· (@xCeleste___) February 11, 2019
[@BTS_twt] #GRAMMYs #TearItUpBTS
Then she put this into the universe:
Maybe my next #Jolene collab will be with @BTS_twt? What do y'all think? #GRAMMYs
— Dolly Parton (@DollyParton) February 12, 2019
No collaboration just yet. But James Corden just released BTS’s Crosswalk performance – and it’s pure joy for nine minutes, which I’m posting in honour of you. Let this be your birthday weekend energy.
Attached: Dolly performing at a breast cancer benefit in October.