Ohhhh kayyy, EMMA. She’s a repeat champion, FINE. But I’ve just looked at her technique. And she makes her times, great, and crosses the finish line (which some of her competitors can’t seem to manage), but does it count when it’s a chase?! And not a self-motivated race? If I were some of the others, like whoever placed second, because clearly that bitch isn’t making any headlines, I’d consider a secret protest. Especially if they were able to perform all by themselves, since clearly the winner needed assistance, EMMA. I see you. (Dlisted)
Two years ago, Simone Biles was all over this site. She won all the things and then went off to some Hollywood things but she’s still doing the thing that she is best at. And I mean THE F-CKING BEST at. And it’s not even an Olympic year. But here we are, still following Simone, still caring about Simone, still hoping that we’ll be talking about Simone in another two years, in Tokyo. Please, please, please let Simone take Tokyo. (Deadspin)
Oh right! Diane Kruger is “pregnant for” Norman Reedus. This is one of my favourite expressions. One night, a few years ago, my friend Lorella and I were at a party and we ran into a lady who wanted to talk about Jude Law. It was confirmed that Samantha Burke was having his baby. And the woman kept repeating, “She’s pregnant FOR Jude Law”, and every time she talked about anyone being pregnant, the word she used was “for” instead of “with”. Lorella and I just kept repeating that to each other for the rest of the weekend. Remember that though? You didn’t. You don’t remember Samantha Burke and Jude Law. It was a big gossip story at the time. Anyway, here are some pictures of Diane being pregnant, period, not for or anything else, just pregnant. (Just Jared)
Oh look, it’s a “best friend” engaged couple post on Instagram. Hailey Baldwin and Justin Bieber, ring on display. And he’s looking at his phone. Is this a case of the Scarlett Johanssons? Bonus gossip points if you can tell me who and what I’m referring to. I’m going to say that no, Hailey is not a Scarjo here because JB is probably scrolling his phone looking at loved up pictures of the two of them together, or picking out options for their wedding reception table settings. Or, no, wait, he’s googling baby names. TOTALLY googling baby names. (Cele|bitchy)
Ahead of JLo’s Vanguard tonight at the VMAs, here’s a look back at her VMAs style over the years and… you know what? It’s weak. Nothing is all that memorable, which is why you don’t remember much of it off the top of your head, except for that white outfit – the headband, the bandeau, the jeans. But other than that, no outfit comes close to the Versace. You know the one. (Go Fug Yourself)
Did you cry during the wedding scene in Crazy Rich Asians? Did you cry during “Yellow”? I wrote about the mandarin version of “Yellow” last week, as performed by Katherine Ho. Here’s an interview with Katherine about what the song means to her. (Cosmopolitan)