First of all, we here in Toronto, we love Serge Ibaka. We would love to get Serge Ibaka on The Social but he’s kinda busy right now with his regular job and his side hustle. The side hustle is a YouTube show where he cooks for his guests and he gets to interview them. Even Kawhi Leonard agreed to be on Serge’s show last year – and Kawhi doesn’t love talking so you can appreciate the power of the Serge effect. Serge clearly has an effect on Tiffany Haddish because she showed up in his kitchen and then told the story of how she shat in an ex-boyfriend’s shoe when she found out he was cheating on her. What’s genius about this is that she’s telling this to a professional athlete and the shoe she shat in was a Jordan. Athletes and cheating are… well… a cheating athlete is not an exception. So you know this was a warning. (Dlisted) 

James McAvoy is married. He and Lisa Liberati have been together three years and apparently it was a secret wedding. He’s also starring in HBO’s His Dark Materials and his ex-wife Anne-Marie Duff, is in it too. (Cele|bitchy) 

This suit looks so great on Diane Keaton and even though she’s wearing an obscene amount of crosses, it goes down a lot smoother than Johnny Depp’s 10,000 scarves. (Go Fug Yourself) 

Look, I’m as involved in the Wizarding World as much as anyone else but even I can’t find the energy to care about Fantastic Beasts, nothing against Eddie Redmayne. It’s just not the same. The sparkle isn’t there. But they are proceeding with the third movie so I guess there are a lot of people out there who still want it? How badly? Seriously, are you sitting around impatiently waiting for it to come around the way you’re waiting on the Avatar sequels? Because I’m not convinced anyone is waiting around for those either. (Pajiba) 

How do you feel about Bella Hadid’s chocolate brown manicure? I think it’s too dark. I think if you do chocolate brown, it should be milk chocolate, not dark chocolate. That applies to nails and actual chocolate. I know dark chocolate is the “classier” option but it does not taste as good as the trash option, which is milk chocolate and I will fight you on this. (Teen Vogue)