Dua Lipa is mixing 80s and 90s. The acid wash here is totally 80s. The fit of those pants is 90s and early 2000s. The hair too. And at this point, I think bustiers are just all-decades, all the time, they’ll never go away. (Go Fug Yourself) 


Having contraband Milk Duds in prison is the least of Harvey Weinstein’s crimes but getting busted for them adds to the indignity – and it’s amazing. Because he used to be able to order people to bring him as many Milk Duds as he wanted and feed them to him one by one with the most expensive silverware if he wanted them to and now he has to have them smuggled in AND be put on blast for it.  (Dlisted) 

I will click on any article about eyeliner, especially liquid eyeliner even though I know I won’t find what I’m looking for. Here’s my dilemma – the best black waterproof liquid liner on the market, in my opinion, is MAC’s Liquid Last. This sh-t does not move, I’m telling you. It’s amazing. It holds up longer on my oily ass eyes than any other brand on the market. But I’m also mad at MAC because they used to make it in brown but they discontinued it in brown last year…WHYYYYY?!? No other brown liquid liner has been the same for me since, they ALLLL smudge – I know because I have tried them all. So the search continues. (PopSugar) 


Today in LOL, seriously? The British royal sycophants are trying to tell us that Camilla is a style icon. I don’t even think she’s asking for this kind of ass-kissing, come on now. (Cele|bitchy) 

I posted earlier about Lady Gaga presenting at the Oscars and the decision to cut eight categories from the live broadcast. Today The Hollywood Reporter is saying that there’s infighting within the Academy about this decision with Academy members split over whether or not this was the right call. The Nominees Luncheon is on Monday. Wonder what the mood will be that day. (The Hollywood Reporter )