Venice opens tomorrow and ten years ago, Birdman was at the festival and would go on to win Best Picture at the Oscars. Michael Keaton and Emma Stone were on the carpet to kick off their award season run; she wore green velvet Valentino, a gorgeous dress against her red hair. (Go Fug Yourself)
Ryan Reynolds just posted a new video on Instagram featuring Channing Tatum as Gambit and the nerds are losing it because they’re thinking maybe Chan is finally getting a whole ass Gambit movie… I think? I’m not super fluent in this language and I’m trying to leave Sarah alone because we need our rest before TIFF. But Mike Redmond makes a good point here about Ryan and his flexes and then my mind went to – could Ryan Reynolds be a studio head one day? (Pajiba)
OMG I feel so seen. Remember in M Night Shymalan’s Signs (a movie I LOVE), Abigail Breslin leaves water glasses all over the house because she always has an issue with the taste? And then the water ends up being a weapon they use to fight the aliens? This is not a spoiler, the movie came out in 2002, please don’t be a baby about this. Anyway, that’s me. I don’t have problems with the taste but I leave water glasses all over the house. I always have to have two water glasses on the nightstand. When I go out to eat I’m managing multiple drinks at the same time – water, cocktail, wine, maybe Jacek’s wine. On my desk at work as I’m writing this, I have a water bottle, an open can of Bubly, and an iced matcha latte. It makes me feel whole. And now social media is all over this, apparently it’s a woman thing, because it’s a GOOD THING. (The Mary Sue)
Are we still living our demure lives? Demure changed Jools Lebron’s life but now she can’t even claim her own catchphrase because someone else got there first even though they have nothing do with the viral phenomenon. I would be so pissed and, maybe it’s just me, but I would be embarrassed about owning something that I didn’t make or think of. (Hollywood Unlocked)
This morning I wrote about the DNC, how it was produced, and also those ratings. Now the debate is coming up two weeks from today. The MTV VMAs actually rescheduled their show to get out of the way of it. So I wonder about the ratings. Meanwhile the two sides are apparently negotiating over hot mics and whether or not the mics should be left on. God I would so love, give anything, to be able to observe the debate prep. Those were some of the best episodes of The West Wing. F-cking Sorkin! I just watched ten minutes of the “Game On” episode and I feel like crying, I miss them so much. CJ shouting, “No one’s done camera test on it” as they’re changing ties is just so perfect. And then how smug Toby is when, yeah, “It’s not gonna be Uncle Fluffy”… yep, there is it, I’m crying, and fist pumping. That’s a TV show, it’s not real life, and that’s not what will happen on September 10. But the broadcast itself is on television and I’m sure the network, because they’re in the business of making TV, is hoping for a little magic. F-cking Sorkin! (Celebitchy)