Bella, I’m sorry to hear about Bianco. Bianco is such a good name. I respect that you’re doing all you can, giving him the best because he always gives you his best. As you said, he came to you when you needed him the most. Isn’t that so often the story with our animals? People who don’t have pets have a hard time understanding but their timing is too perfect to be accidental. 

So, on the subject of timing, and why now, and you mentioned that you are a Rat and you’ve read the forecast for the Rat and you asked me about omens and what’s on the horizon, I’m hoping you’ll receive this story in the spirit that it’s being told: I’m an Ox and a few years ago, I knew it was going to be rough for the Ox. Ma had tried to prepare me, she said put your head down and just endure the body blows of life and luck. And then Marcus, our OG beagle, got sick. It was also lymphoma. I realised then that I wasn’t the one absorbing the body blows. He did that for me. And I knew it before Ma even told me afterwards – that this, sometimes, even though we don’t ask it of them, is the duty that our pets take on. It’s what makes them so f-cking noble. Bianco is doing his duty. It’s what makes him so f-cking noble. 

Sending you my hopes for the best outcome.