Remember a couple of weeks ago there was that story about how Taylor Swift was facilitating Bradley Cooper and Gigi Hadid’s situationship by sharing her Rhode Island beach house with them? That story originated with a British tabloid, which is why I side-eyed it at the time and in that same post, I mentioned that if they were hanging out anywhere outside NYC, it would be at Gigi’s farm in Pennsylvania. Well, earlier this week PEOPLE had an exclusive, reporting that BCoop and Gigi were seen having a drink at a luxury hotel in Bucks County, Pennsylvania near the farm. My point is… that Taylor Swift story went everywhere, but it came from a sh-t source! 


Anyway, Bradley and Gigi were seen last week together in New York walking in the rain. And they’ve been out separately too but still together… through their footwear? Gigi was seen recently in a pair of yellow sneakers and so was her Guest in Residence business partner Isaac Ross: 

Gigi Hadid/Isaac Ross

These are from the Guest in Residence x Adidas collaboration. And check it out, Bradley yesterday stepped out for a walk in the same pair. 

Bradley Cooper out in New York, October 25, 2023

So he’s wearing the shoes she would have given him and… promoting them at the same time. It’s a shoemance! Sorry, sorry, sorry. I couldn’t stop myself!