I’m sure you know what’s blowing up right now. The whole ass internet, actually but this is what Twitter was made for. It’s Friday. It’s perfect Friday content. It’s comedy hour. And some of you have been sending me some hilarious tweets. Since this happened after Maria worked on Celebrity Social Media, here are a few of them:


And this…this is Hall of Fame material right here (thanks Nadia!). “Fifty-leven”! GROUPON PEEN! I love Twitter so much right now. 

Oh wait, this f-cking mess isn’t over because now another one might have cheated on another sister. Which means that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have the most functional relationship of all of them. Sit with that for a minute. (Dlisted) 

In about three years, hopefully, Glenn Close will be nominated for another Oscar for Sunset Boulevard, another classic Hollywood film with a classic Hollywood storyline: always wanting more. Only in her case, SHE JUST WANTS ONE. As she approaches the camera and says, “Alright, Academy. I’m ready for my closeup”. Unless, of course, they deny her… AGAIN. (Pajiba) 

Not everyone is fighting. Drake is not fighting. He fought a lot of fights in 2018 but right now, it’s nothing but love. And love for someone he used to be fighting with: Meek Mill. (TMZ) 
Well, obviously, I love this jumpsuit on Gigi Hadid. Because it’s giving me 80s vibes. An 80s jumpsuit always had a strong shoulder. I think I might need to invest in one for spring. (Go Fug Yourself) 
Queen Letizia of Spain brought it with the style porn this week. That leather belted dress is fire, although I would have preferred it with a black shoe. That said, I feel like she went with a beige pump to tone down the badassness of the leather which, strategically, I can get behind. Why can’t Princess Kate dress like this? (Cele|bitchy) 

One more tweet, but this time it’s actually about women supporting women and not the f-cksh-t that’s happening with the Kardashian-Jenners. 31 days, 31 amazing women! Happy Women’s History Month!