Am I a basic bitch for loving this tee?
Gina Rodriguez is wearing her pride: Latina AF. Latina AS F-CK.
I want it… but not exactly. Obviously her particular tee is not made for me. But, say, if someone were to make a “Chinese AF” tee (why am I not calling a manufacturer right now and putting this in motion? Because I’m an OX, and those of us born under the sign of the OX are meant for the hard grind and not fast money), I would buy it and wear the sh-t about of my Chinese As F-ckness.
Gina’s on the set of her new rom-com here. So, presumably, this tee will show up in the movie. And if that’s the case, the costume designer would have found it for her character and Gina would have been like, UM, YES, my character has to wear this. which tells you something about the character and this movie. So, yeah, I also can’t wait to see this movie.