Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor is here. But there’s another celebrity baby name that’s also been announced. I’m not even going to bother asking Duana to write this one because 1. she still needs to recover from the stress and then the excitement of the Sussex’s excellent naming work and 2. Michael K pretty much nailed the Amy Schumer baby name analysis. (Dlisted)
Remember how Gwyneth Paltrow try to front like she was Camp at the Met Gala by saying her look was inspired by Valley of the Dolls? As if. Reese Witherspoon on the cover of the June issue of InStyle is more Valley of the Dolls than G was on Monday night. (Go Fug Yourself)
Wait…what? Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor cockblocked everyone this week because Gina Rodriguez got married and she posted about it two days ago and I only just found out now. This is a really sweet video. Everyone is crying with happiness. No one cried more than her husband, Joe. Jacek also cried more than I did at our wedding. He’s posting this today and reading it right now, which is why I’m writing this because I don’t think we’ve ever talked about how he cried more than I did at our wedding. His response to this will be that it’s because I have no soul. (Correct. She doesn't.) (Cele|bitchy)
I did not know this about Alexander Skarsgard – he was in Lady Gaga’s “Paparazzi” video? To be fair, I’m not an expert on that video. I don’t think I’ve seen it in years, maybe since it came out. I do, however, know everything about the “Telephone” video which turns 10 years old next week and… now that almost a decade has passed, does it almost seem unreal to you that that collaboration happened? (OMG Blog)
As you know, the theme of the Met Gala this year was inspired by Susan Sontag’s “Notes on Camp”. What, then, would Susan Sontag think of what happened on Monday? Maggie Lange imagines her reaction for The Cut and, yes, one can get into a bad mood while looking at Jared Leto. (The Cut)
What is writing? Am I writing right now? When does writing qualify as “writing”? Are you like me and writing means doing anything but actually writing? Mia Mercado nails it here when she writes that writing is rearranging your pencils. And looking for a new running tank online. (New Yorker)