Do you think Harvey Weinstein watched the Oscars? I do. Totally. I haven’t had a chance to screen the Oscars again yet but I’m sure there are at least several of his films shown in those montages. There were a LOT of montages. Like, at least Shakespeare In Love, right? Pretty sure I remember seeing Dame Judi Dench. Anyway, Harvey is still under investigation. So it’s possible that he’ll be charged? And go to jail? Imagine. One day he might be watching the Oscars from the common room in prison. Getting heckled from other inmates. (Dlisted) 

We talk a lot about different stories. About the need to tell different stories, or the same stories but from a different perspective, so that art and culture is not delivered through the lens of a specific group of people. Of all the stories that are waiting to be told, and should be told, IS THIS REALLY THE ONE? Remember when Tiffany Haddish was on Drunk History? She initially wanted to tell the story of the weave and for whatever reason, they couldn’t make it happen. But that makes me think of Marjorie Joyner. Who invented the perm machine, making her one of the first black women in history to hold a patent. Don’t you want a movie about THAT?!? (Cele|bitchy) 

I loved what Maya Rudolph wore at the Oscars. So of course I love what Kristin Scott Thomas is wearing here. Is it the same? Almost, but I don’t remember any sheer detail at the wrist on Maya’s dress. I think I might like Kristin’s a little more for exactly that – and I’m not someone who’s super into sheer. But the way it’s done here, so sparingly, the effect is … sexy. A turtleneck sack dress is sexy! (Go Fug Yourself) 

As Sarah wrote earlier in the Chris Hemsworth post, the Avengers: Infinity War press tour is coming. And Entertainment Weekly has released 15 covers featuring 22 of the characters. Ummm…. 22? Now I want to pop quiz myself to see if I can name them all. Because that will distract from me being worried that 22 is too many. And I’m an Avengers stan. But that’s a LOT of superheroes. Sorry, but do we really need Ant-Man? See? This is what’s going to happen. Having conversations about “do we really next X or Y or Z”. Ant-Man comes up for me first. (Looper) 

Tom Brady shaved his head for charity. Which is great. I’m not sh-tting here on the intention. It’s a beautiful intention. Here’s the true test of Tom Brady’s hotness though – if he’s still hot now. I feel like his hotness has come down in the last few years. And having a shaved head can really make or break hotness. (TMZ) 

Do you have Alexa? If so, I need you to tell me if you’ve heard the creepy laugh. Have you heard about this? Alexa has apparently been refusing to perform tasks. And sometimes, out of the blue, it laughs. And, understandably, people are freaking out. There’s now a fix for the laughing problem. But how did it become a problem? I’ve read that some people were downstairs when, upstairs, Alexa just started laughing randomly because it heard something that sounded like the laugh command. Why is it programmed to laugh in the first place?  (The Verge)