RuPaul is showing off his home in Architectural Digest and I am so relieved to know that it looks exactly how I wanted it to look. Very expensive, very extra – nothing is beige, nothing is “understated elegance” and taupes and greys. And that’s a good thing! I want to live there! (Dlisted)
Helen Mirren has blue hair to go with her blue outfit in Cannes and Elle Fanning looks great but it’s another princess going to the ball dress and … I feel like we’ve seen her in SO many of these so I can’t say I’ll remember it in a few minutes because this look isn’t doing much to distinguish itself from the previous ones. (Go Fug Yourself)
After the Women of Vision event last night, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were chased for two hours by paparazzi, it was so out of control the police had to step in. A couple of British tabloids published photos taken during the chase but have since removed them now that the situation has been clarified. But you know the narrative that those tabloids would have been trying to advance. And of course they seem to be downplaying it now. (Cele|bitchy)
People in the early 2000s were obsessed with New York “It” girls, Laguna Beach, and The Hills. And this documentary is crossing over with all of that so I’m pretty sure there are a lot of people out there who’ll be mainlining this. (OMG Blog)
New Yorkers are reading smut! We should all be reading smut! Smut is a big part of my library – and if it’s a big part of your library, don’t let the assholes out there tell you you’re not a real reader. Reading is reading. (Vulture)