Like the Fug Girls, I love Emma Thompson in this matching long blazer over pants. It’s like a pyjama set, worn over platform shoes. And it must feel like pyjamas because she’s reworn the outfit a couple of times recently which, of course, makes it sustainable. I wonder if more and more celebrities will do this more often. It happens less than we think. (Go Fug Yourself) 


I was with Duana, The Name Therapist, when Kylie Jenner’s baby name started trending on Twitter so it was a great pleasure to break the news to her and see her reaction in real time. She rolled her eyes. (Dlisted)  

Timothy Olyphant crashed Conan O’Brien’s podcast and now I’m wondering if this is making Sarah horny. She loves Conan but she LOOOOOOOVES Timothy Olyphant and this is Timothy being extremely Timothy – off the cuff, chaotic energy, hilarious and random and yeah… I get it. He’s super f-cking hot. (Pajiba)

Selena Gomez may or may not be dating Drew Taggart from The Chainsmokers and he’s obviously coming out of this the winner because now I know his name and not just one of the dudes from The Chainsmokers, although I still can’t tell which one is which. (Cele|bitchy) 

I love ski fashion. I just don’t want to go skiing. Look at these turtlenecks – they’re so cute. Is it fashion fraud to wear them but not actually wear them for their intent? But… also… like… are you really wearing these sweaters to go skiing? They seem too thick. (Marie Claire)