Lily Collins! Her hair is severe here – and this is not a complaint. I LOVE this whole look. How tight it is. How PULLED. How sharp. From the hairstyle to the red lip to the shoulders. The black and white. And a mullet dress, it’s glamourous. It’s classic and unconventional. It’s bold. It’s excellent. (Go Fug Yourself) 


I have not been on a plane since the beginning of the pandemic. Second week of March 2020 I was in LA for the Mulan junket. LA shut down two days after I left. Canada shut down two days after I got back. When I look back, I actually can’t believe I was travelling at that time. And I’m supposed to be travelling again at the end of September but with the numbers going up, we’re looking at the possibility of cancelling our trip. People I know who have been flying though say that it’s gnarly because almost all of them were on flights with people who kept taking off their masks or wore their masks improperly. Anti-maskers always come wrong and strong. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a RuPaul on every flight telling these people to stop f-cking around? (Dlisted) 

What do you think of the word “pregnant”? Do you think it’s crude? Because if you’re in the presence of the Queen, supposedly you want to avoid saying that word. According to the pearl-clutcher class, it’s not used by the monarch, it’s not becoming for a royal to speak like that. FFS, anything they can do to make women feel embarrassed by their bodies, you know? (Cele|bitchy) 


It’s almost pumpkin spice season – even though some people have been trying to start it way too early. I’m not a pumpkin spice evangelist but I’m not a hater either. I think, though, I might prefer it to the new apple crisp macchiato, not because I don’t love apples and apple pie but this looks really, really, REALLY sweet. Like you’d have to guzzle water right after. (Pajiba) 

What if your entire meal, on your plate, was just blocks of squares? Would you find it more or less appetising? (Eater)