Liz Trinnear, the millennial, is back with us on the latest episode of Sasha Answers! Millennials, apparently, care a lot about True Thompson – at least according to Liz. Also selfies. Finally someone to challenge Sasha on her social media snobbery. Also we talk about periods again. And we get to money and domestic matters in young relationships, the right time to have a baby, and what happens if your tiger mother is getting in the way of your career.
Idris Elba is coming to Netflix which, ostensibly, is good news because no one ever complained about getting more Idris Elba. Well. He’ll be playing a Manny/DJ, a dude who’s a DJ looking for his big break while manny-ing the daughter of his best friend. Idris, as we know, is a real life DJ and I have to agree here with Mieka at Dlisted – it’s not exactly my favourite thing about him. (Dlisted)
This outfit on Chloe Grace Moretz could be a candidate for worst look of the year. You think I’m exaggerating. Now you’ve clicked. And you understand. Right? Disappointing from top to bottom. How was this option even presented to her? And … WHAT IS IN HER HAIR? They keep trying to tell us that scrunchies are back which… I’m not convinced …but even if that were true, are you seriously telling me that scrunchies belong on a red carpet?!? (Go Fug Yourself)
Would you break up with a friend who had a lot of sex with her husband? I am so confused by this story. Why would Ali Wentworth’s friends stop being friends with her because she and George Stephanopoulous f-ck all the time? Is it because she’s put them in a position of having to picture George Stephanopoulous f-cking? Because that’s not offensive to me at all. I kinda had a feeling he was freaky like that although that thought only came out of my subconscious today, while reading this story. That doesn’t answer the question though: do you now not want to be friends with Ali because she and George are always boning? (Cele|bitchy)
Are you a heavy sleeper? Duana is always bitching about my “prescribed sleeping”. What she means is that I, generally, can sleep whenever I want to. If I say I’m taking a nap, I’ll be able to nap. This isn’t the case for many people. They’ll WANT to take a nap, but when they lie down, they won’t be able to fall asleep. I can fall asleep pretty much anywhere and any time. And when I wake up, I’m up, like I don’t snooze, I don’t need an hour before I’m alert, I’m up right away. I can’t, however, wake up without an alarm clock like Kathie Lee Gifford. (OMG Blog)
Do you know what the Juul is? It’s for vaping. I vape but I don’t Juul. New York teens, though, made Juul the go-to vape …until too many people started Juul-ing, which is why teens are now too cool for Juul. Seriously. (The Cut)
Have you ever put together a piece of Ikea furniture? I’ve tried to. For about five minutes before I walk away. Jacek is really good at it. Duana loves it. This is not my idea of a fun activity. What do people keep insisting that it’s easy? It’s not f-cking easy. So, yeah, I would total want a robot that could do it for me. (The New Yorker)