True story: I did not know what the Long Island Medium looked like until today, though I have heard that a good number of celebrities have reached out to the Long Island Medium on the low. Is seeing a medium the new plastic surgery? Everyone does it but no one admits to it? Anyway, now that I’ve seen the Long Island Medium (in photos), I have so many more questions. Mostly about the nails and the hair. Is this an everyday thing? (Dlisted)

Have you heard? Gwyneth Paltrow’s goop summit In goop Health is coming to New York City in January. The most expensive tickets are already sold out. That would be $2000. “Ginger.” If you want to go, “Tumeric” is still available for $650. Wait a minute. I thought turmeric was expensive. Like not as expensive as saffron but definitely not cheap. And more expensive than ginger. How did this happen? Also, at In goop Health New York, you’ll hear from a woman who’s managed to alienate both the HIV/AIDs community and the mental health community. Put your health in goop, right? (Jezebel)

Blake Lively in a short, dark wig. I like it a lot on her. Trying to picture her now with Gwyneth Paltrow’s hair in Sliding Doors. I think it could work. You? (Just Jared) 

Daniel Day-Lewis is famous for his dedication to his roles. He learned how to be a miner. He probably learned how to drill for oil at one point. As you know, DDL’s last film will be Phantom Thread. He plays a couturier. So of course he learned how to make clothes. Specifically he learned how to make a Balenciaga piece of clothing. DDL knows fashion and its construction. Which means it’s really too bad Fashion Police isn’t on anymore. (Cele|bitchy)

There are a lot of you/us caught up in all this royal wedding madness, I know who you are. Last week I mentioned The Royal We, a book by the Fug Girls, that’s a hybrid of Kate Middleton’s story and Meghan Markle’s. This is the season for light reading and general festivity. So if you’re looking for a book that can get you through your family holiday, go for The Royal We – and it’s on sale! (Go Fug Yourself)

I haven’t seen Frozen. I don’t think I ever will. I do however intend to see Coco. But there’s some Frozen drama involving Coco. Something about a short film that wasn’t all that short. And it caused some confusion. PS. I also never saw Jumanji. I think I will watch Jumanji before I ever watch Frozen. Good decision? (Vox)