Do you think that there’s a relationship between how often Brad Pitt’s “sources” leak information to the tabloids about what an asshole Angelina Jolie is allegedly being to him and how often he gets his picture taken on set or at a charity event? At this point, it’s pretty obvious that he’s winning the public relations battle, and has been for some time. Why continue to have these stories getting out there when you’re already ahead? (Dlisted)

Kate Hudson and Danny Fujikawa welcomed their daughter. Clearly Kate likes alliteration – her sons are called Ryder Russell Robinson and Bing Bellamy. There’s alliteration happening with her baby girl’s name too. Yesterday in her Name Therapist post, Duana suggested a new one for your consideration: Avalon. Normally I’m not into Duana’s newest hits. But Avalon I love. Avalon just overtook Marin and Juliet on my imaginary child name list. Because Elaine and Avalon both have strong Arthurian connection. It’s kinda perfect. If I had to alliterate with Avalon though… Avalon Astrid Lui? (Celebitchy) 

I, too, appreciate Jameela Jamil. I appreciate that she’s wearing sneakers with this dress. The dress, however… yes, polka dots and a floral print can be clashed. I actually love it when they clash. If it’s the right floral print. The problem for me here is that I don’t love this floral print. (Go Fug Yourself) 
How do you feel about bridezilla stories? I love them. Is it wrong of me to love them? Should we be interrogating the wedding industrial complex instead? I don’t have the brain today to examine this. But I did have the brain to read all of these bridezilla stories. So maybe I’m part of the problem. (Pajiba) 

David and Victoria Beckham just made a profit on their Los Angeles home. They don’t need it anymore because they spend most of their time in England and will be spending more and more time in Miami. How do you think Miami will influence their style? (TMZ) 

Are there too many G.O.A.T.s? Or pretender-G.O.A.T.s? Here’s an argument for why G.O.A.T. is overused and how to save to save it from extinction. I feel this way too about “fashion icon”. We use this too liberally. Someone who wears nice clothing from time to time is not a “fashion icon”. Blake Lively is a not a f-cking fashion icon, God. (The Undefeated)