Probably the most notable occurrence of yellow on the Grammys red carpet last night was Carrie Underwood’s arrivals dress because she’s so famous but if we’re talking BEST yellow? Michelle Zauner whose look is not unlike Rihanna’s at the Met Gala from a few years ago when the theme was Rei Kawakubo/Comme Des Garcons. If you haven’t read Michelle’s book, Crying in H Mart, or listened to any Japanese Breakfast, I highly recommend. But warning, do it around food because both made me so hungry. (Go Fug Yourself) 


Tread carefully, tread carefully, tread carefully. Rolling Stone put out of a list of 25 Best Grammys Performances of All Time. Pink did not make the cut and she is pissed about it. Which, as Kristian from Dlisted pointed out, made me go look at the list. And, well, I do think there are a couple of performances here that might be slighhhhtly overrated. But Pink’s not the only omission, in my opinion. Right off the top of my head, I would put U2 + Mary J Blige collaborating on “One” right up there. I’ve reposted the video below. You have to imagine how it felt on that night, on live television. It’s the kind of thing where hitting all the right notes doesn’t matter… it’s the ENERGY. It was like a religious experience. (Dlisted) 

Jon Batiste gave one of the most joyful, exuberant performances last night at the Grammys and he said something during his Album of the Year acceptance speech that has really stayed with me. Paraphrasing: music has radar, and it manages to reach its listener at the exact moment they need it the most. That’s why Fran Lebowitz has argued that music is the most powerful of all artforms. Jon’s music has healed people and music has probably helped him during dark times too. We learned this weekend that there have been struggles…but triumph too. He married Suleika Jaouad recently. And when you read about their relationship you will probably be in tears just like me. (Pajiba) 


The British tabloids are rumouring that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will attend Brooklyn Beckham’s wedding. Note that the word they’re using is “could” – which is about as open-ended as it gets. Anyone “could” go to the wedding, FFS. (Cele|bitchy) 

Channing Tatum’s character on The Lost City is clearly based on Fabio. But did you know that Fabio is controversial? (Slate)