Where in the world is Jennifer Aniston during the holidays? We should all know the answer to this by now, right? It’s almost always Cabo. This year, Jennifer and Justin Theroux are presumably spending New Year’s in their usual Cabo retreat with Jason Bateman and Amanda Anka who are also semi-regulars. Sometimes Jimmy Kimmel and Molly McNearney show up. And Emily Blunt and John Krasinski too. 

So the point is that Jennifer and Justin are fine. Even though IN TOUCH Weekly just put this on their last cover: 

What’s the line that Luke Skywalker says to both Rey and Ren in The Last Jedi? I’m paraphrasing but it’s going something like “everything you just said is wrong”. Could apply to every story on this IN TOUCH cover, from Jen and Justin to Taylor Swift to Meghan Markle to…OK, maybe Tori Spelling is actually broke. 

Speaking of The Last Jedi – Justin Theroux was in The Last Jedi. And when he WASN’T in The Last Jedi, he was satisfying Lupita Nyong’o’s Maz Kanata. At least that’s what she said. Does this mean Justin will have a bigger role in the Star Wars to come?