On this week’s episode of What’s Your Drama, Sasha and I deal with a major drama queen and some really obvious relationship red flags. Like when your friends are trying to warn you, remember, they are your friends. 

Emily, our site manager, sent this to me with the note “this is so f-cking funny” and it is really is so f-cking funny and the sad thing is – this could have happened to me. I would have called the cops if this was my house and I heard the same noises and saw the same shadows coming out of the bathroom. Also my dogs would have been freaking out because they’re just as stupid as I am and they hate the vacuum. (Dlisted) 

Jennifer Garner uses retinol for anti-aging. I’ve heard that retinol works on some and not others. I don’t know if works on me but antioxidant with vitamin c does and it totally brightens up my face. I can always tell the difference when I forget to apply in the morning. That said, it does make you more light-sensitive. Also I wish someone had told early me to wear sunscreen year-round. I wear it every day, like a high, high, high SPF, no matter the season but only now, not then. It makes such a difference. (Cele|bitchy) 

See, like, to me this is a very Eva Green outfit – slightly old-timey and offbeat, of the past but also of the present. She looks great. Not everyone would look great in the same but it suits her perfectly.(Go Fug Yourself) 
Were you into all the black hole coverage yesterday? I followed it for a while on Twitter. Katie Bouman is a BOSS! That said, despite all the articles I read about it and all the tweets I scanned, I still don’t understand a goddamn thing about the black hole. But I repeat: Katie Bouman is a boss! (Pajiba) 

A new song featuring Justin Bieber is dropping next week. Not sure what day but if I were them I’d avoid Monday because all we’ll be talking about is what happened in Westeros. (TMZ) 

Brad Pitt spoke before the LA County Board of Supervisors this week in support of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Apparently he was rather “verbose” (which he acknowledged himself) and was told, jokingly, to “wrap it up”. This is the one thing my husband has in common with Brad Pitt: being long-winded. (Time)