We can’t count on much these days – things change so rapidly, it’s hard to keep up, and nothing looks or feels the same from week to week. But no matter what, even 250 years from now, you know what will remain: teens and love. No matter what, teens will fall in first love and they will feel like that first love is forever, they will make soulmate declarations…and then they’ll learn what we all eventually learned. Apparently Jojo Siwa is going through that now. (Dlisted)
I also didn’t recognise Julianne Hough at first but not because I thought it was Carmen Electra, it had more to do with the outfit. It’s a good outfit. A good colour. And I don’t think I’ve ever liked an outfit on Julianne Hough before? That’s not to say I hated her outfits, just that none of them popped for me like this one does. (Go Fug Yourself)
Prince William covers the new issue of PEOPLE Magazine and I’m not sure it’s really an interview or just a series of approved quotes. But for sure he and Kensington Palace endorsed this cover and this story. Now how do the royal reporters over in the UK feel about this? That he and KP are actively courting American press… will they be criticised for it or… will they get a pass? (Cele|bitchy)
OMG. OMG. I grew up in the 80s. And Adele’s “Easy On Me” getting the 80s treatment is exactly where I live. This is a movie montage! Someone put this in a movie montage starring Andrew McCarthy! (OMG Blog)
I like Beyoncé and Jay-Z’s new short film for Tiffany & Co so much more than the first one. And not just because of the Blue Ivy cameo. It’s Beyoncé’s energy here – she’s so cute, and relaxed, and playful, and her line deliveries (“He loves me, he loves me not”) are great. I also want those white glasses. (Vogue)