Julia Fox went to the beach. And there were photographers there. And because she’s Julia Fox, she made it worth their while. So that these pictures of her in her white swimsuit that is totally unlined can be seen by all. It’s a public service! (Go Fug Yourself) 


Another example of how the studios can f-ck over artists, or try to – Cristela Alonzo is talking about how a studio almost trademarked her name, after a sitcom she starred in, that was named after her, that she created and wrote, they wanted to own it. (The Mary Sue) 

Dan Wootton tried to defend himself on his show yesterday. Of course he’s pulling from the playbook we’re now all too frustratingly familiar with – blaming it on a witch hunt and something something about wokeness or whatever. Conveniently he didn’t exactly specifically address the specific allegations against him. Meanwhile Byline Investigates is planning to publish the second in a three part series exposing Dan Wootton’s f-cksh-t. (Cele|bitchy)


Doja Cat is explaining why she’s always in a hissy – and somehow manages to promote her new album at the same time which is… a new kind of marketing. I appreciate the creativity here. But I also think it sets up an expectation. Like does this mean she won’t be throwing fits anymore? (OMG Blog) 

Apparently what’s trendy in pasta right now is eating pasta in silly shapes, like bears or stars. I wouldn’t say I’m going to go looking for silly shaped pasta either to make at home or when I’m ordering it at a restaurant, but if it arrives that way I won’t object either. As long as the flavour is there, as long as the sauce is there, I’ll eat it whatever shape it comes in that isn’t like racist or sexist or that kind of offensive. And by offensive I don’t mean eggplant. I would even eat eggplant shaped pasta. (Eater)