This past weekend, Jamie Foxx was seen holding hands with model-musician Sela Vave in Hollywood. A couple of days later, their breakup was widely reported and Joanna posted yesterday about how that timing checks out for him, as he may be part of the award season conversation with his performance in Just Mercy. It was Page Six that reported that Katie was overheard over dinner with friends telling them that she and Jamie “haven’t been together for months”, apparently since right after they were photographed officially as a couple for the first time at the Met Gala. 


That’s convenient. Like a convenient way for a publicist to put out a story without having to be traced back to the story. 

Now everyone’s trying to explain the split. Does it really need explaining though? 

According to Page Six, they were supposed to spend Memorial Day weekend together in Montauk but Katie cancelled at the last minute. One source says Jamie was upset by that. Another source says that it’s because Jamie “did something sh-tty at the last minute” and was the one to decide not to meet up with her. 

Us Weekly’s source says that it’s “been many years of him stepping out with other women. He’s disrespectful and their lives were different”. 

These two spent almost six years denying their relationship. You can argue that it’s about privacy but from the beginning it seemed like it was more than that – and f-ck all the speculation that it had to do with whatever five year contract she may or may not have signed after her divorce from Tom Cruise. There’s enough shadiness in this story without Tom Cruise, it doesn’t need a pinch of Scientology, I promise you.  Back in 2012, shortly after Katie left Tom, and a year or so before Katie and Jamie started hooking up, Jamie talked to Oprah about relationships and his attitude about relationships. Oprah goes for it and you can tell, he does NOT want to commit to anything, not just people, women, or even talking about it. Here’s what he ended on:

“I say to my friends in this business… whoever you’re dating, don’t let anybody know. I was dating a girl one time and I’m sick and there was a premiere and she got her dress and she was like, ‘Well, the premiere’s tonight… what are we doing? Because I got this dress.’ And I said, ‘Ok, well you go ahead and go to the premiere and don’t come back,’ because it ain’t about that. To me, in order to make it in this business, it has to be someone who is willing to sacrifice a little bit more than what they would sacrifice in a normal relationship.”

If it’s about sacrifice then, what exactly did Katie sacrifice to be with him if the baseline was already no public appearances, no public acknowledgement, everything undercover. I mean, I get it. To a certain extent, a lot of has to be undercover. But at a certain point, do you start wondering about who that undercoverness is benefiting most? Is the undercoverness for privacy or for… options? 

The real world application for this would probably be, as it always is these days, social media. You have, I’m sure, either heard of or you know someone who’s dating someone else and whether it used to be “relationship status” on Facebook or going Instagram official or shutting down all the dating apps or whatever, that conversation happens often enough: why don’t you post about me? Why can’t I post about you? And the doubt that inevitably creeps in when someone refuses. 

Isn’t it possible that Katie was cool with it for a while – but six years later, it’s a long time. At the same time, how can this be a surprise?