This video is hilarious – for the obvious reason. But also for the other small details. Like at first I thought it was happening in slow motion because slow motion is often accompanied by classical music and doesn’t the conductor look like he’s conducting in slow motion? Also this reminds me of the most recent episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm which features, among others, Lin-Manual Miranda and America Ferrera. And that asshole Larry, as usual, being a f-cking asshole and falling asleep during Hamilton. Which is an eventuality that you can see coming from a mile away. (Dlisted) 

Lindsay Shookus was granted an hour of Jennifer Garner’s time at Thanksgiving. Oh I believe it. I believe that what Lindsay observed during Thanksgiving was Jennifer Garner’s Thanksgiving perfection. The turkey was probably not even that sh-tty. And the sides were cooked to perfection. And the table settings were delightful but casual. And the children were polite but not weird robots. And the message: what do you got? (Cele|bitchy) 

It is expected that when Prince Harry and Meghan Markle marry, he will be the duke of something and she’ll be the duchess of something. Which means… does that mean we have to stop calling him Prince Harry? I would like to continue calling him Prince Harry, please and thank you. Anyway, Sussex seems to be the most popular choice and what many are predicting, including Sarah. But my friend brought up a good point the other day about Sussex: you know how the British tabloids are all about their puns? The pun on Sussex is going to be “sex”, especially since Meghan is so attractive and she was an actress and did some love scenes. The minute she steps out in a form-fitting dress, the headline will be “The Duchess of Sus-sexy!” Stupid AF. But you KNOW it’s going to happen. And they know it’s going to happen. And if I were them I’d prevent it from happening by not picking Sussex and going with Windsor instead. After all, they’re getting married in Windsor. (Pop Sugar) 

The spirit of the first White House Trump Christmas is…spirits? More like the kind of spirits we see at Halloween and not Christmas. It’s not very, um, warm, is it? Maybe that’s fitting? There are other ways to completely f-ck up Christmas. Like have you heard the f-cksh-t about these upside down Christmas trees? ILLUMINATI. (Pajiba) 

Serena Williams is on her honeymoon. Serena Williams is getting PAID on her honeymoon. I have no issues with this. I too would pay Serena Williams to stay at my place on her honeymoon. She wouldn’t, because I live in a tiny half of a house. And the bathroom isn’t attached to the master bedroom. And I hate my basement, I think the carpet smells. But yes, when you are the GOAT, of course people should offer up cash money in exchange for you blessing their home. (TMZ) 

Do you judge people for their makeup? I do. Don’t we all? That said, I wouldn’t judge Alice for her makeup. This makeup is deliberately NOT for the basic. It’s making a point about sameness. I’d take this makeup over, like, a lot of generally accepted makeup “trends”. Like contouring. Contouring is over right? (Refinery29)