OK, the first sentence of this Dlisted post is the best sentence written this week. No debate. For the second year in a row, there will be no host for the Oscars. And the Academy is trying to make it sound like this was intentional, that they looked at the ratings last year – which went up – and decided to repeat the hostlessness for this year. Do you buy that? Or is it because nobody wants to do it? Very, very few people are interested in the job and those who are interested in the job aren’t right for the Oscars. Dwayne The Rock Johnson has expressed interest before but he probably wants to wait a couple more years between the Kevin Hart debacle, if ever. Like I say every year, you know who’d be good at it? Justin Timberlake. He wants to win an Oscar. Just let him host the Oscars. (Dlisted) 

In other royal news, Zara Tindall got her driving licence suspended. Are you a good driver? Here’s the thing, does anyone ever say they’re a bad driver? I’ve driven with people who claim they’re good drivers and we get into the car and I’m like, oh sh-t, I’m going to die. Duana, ahem, calls herself a good driver. By the way, have I mentioned I’m a good driver? Excellent driver. And I drive stick shift. That said, I get tickets all the time – mostly parking, sometimes running red lights. See? This is my theory. No one thinks they’re a bad driver. We all think we’re good drivers even when we’re not. (Cele|bitchy) 

You’re never going wrong with Lupita Nyong’o in black sequins. But I feel sad because her award season might be short and we could use a lot more of her fashion. Think of the difference she could have made at the Golden Globes. (Go Fug Yourself) 
Look at these wax figures! They look nothing like who they’re supposed to be. I mean I can only identify them because of the outfit. But seriously, that looks nothing like Julia Roberts. (Pajiba) 

Have you heard of this mirror workout? I understand, like logically, why it works. But I can’t do it. I hate looking at myself when I work out. It would only discourage me because I’m so uncoordinated. (The Atlantic)