In the wake of Barbie’s billion-dollar success, Margot Robbie had a pretty quiet summer. And just as summer wound down in North America, she hop-scotched back to her native Australia, where she is starting summer over in the southern hemisphere. This has to be one of the best perks of working between the two hemispheres, just bounce out of one as soon as the weather starts turning and live in a perennial summer. Anyway, Margot’s quiet second-summer was interrupted by fans in Perth, of all places.
Not that she wouldn’t have fans in Perth, it’s just that I did not have “Margot Robbie swarmed by fans in Perth” on my bingo card. But she was, leaving a restaurant with her husband, Tom Ackerley. This is when you know a film has reached phenomenon level, when you start seeing the film’s stars everywhere, not just LA or New York or London or Paris, you know, the places we expect to see stars during fashion week and whatnot. Margot has been gaining cachet and ever-increasing visibility for years now, but Barbie has put her over the top. She’s not even doing official events for it yet, as the ongoing strike has curtailed awards season so far. But when the strike is over? Whenever that may be? I cannot WAIT to see Margot Robbie’s Barbie trophy tour wardrobe.