That is not a typo. I did not mean to say “hotel” and ended up with an extra “s”. Mimi. Mariah Carey + HOSTEL. 


But this is what some genius advertiser just came up with – along with probably a LOT of f-cking money. Mimi is now starring in a commercial for HostelWorld. Not the Ritz Carlton, not the Four Seasons, but HostelWorld, where accommodations go for less than $100 a night and sometimes you have to share a bathroom. 

It’s probably the best ad she’s ever been in. Because the premise is obvious: why would Mimi ever stay in a f-cking hostel? What would happen if she were to be booked by mistake into a hostel? Everyone starts telling her she’s pretty and skinny – since that’s how you solve any problem involving Mimi LOLOLOLOLOLOL. 

It’s basically the best acting work she’s ever done. The expression on her face when she’s in the elevator is MY LIFE. And when the hand-held fan comes out at the end, it’s over for me. I’m dead. This will be the best 3 minutes of your life and then you will die. 


I never knew hostels had this kind of comedy in them. Or that they had this much cash to throw at the butterfly. 

PS. Mimi’s been all comedy this weekend. Did you see this?