Dear Gossips, 

Well. We had a two day break. And now…it’s Wednesday, November 29, 2017. Welcome to Today. As the Hollywood Predator Advent Calendar has opened its newest door to reveal… 

Matt Lauer. 

Fired from NBC. At the top of the hour. 

They say they found out Monday. And they’ve acted quickly. They also say it’s the “first complaint about his behaviour in the over 20 years he’s been at NBC News”. Sure. Maybe official complaint. But then that’s followed by “we were also presented with reason to believe this may not have been an isolated incident”. 

In the two months since the Predator Advent Calendar started opening all its hideous doors, it’s almost never a f-cking isolated incident. And the fact that they had to clarify that this was the “first complaint” sounds like a goddamn bureaucratic cover-up. It’s ass coverage. It’s laying the groundwork for being all like, well, no one went to HR and wrote it down in black and white. What, so your ears weren’t working?! 
There will be more. Once the seal comes off everything behind it comes gushing out. 

But what about Ann Curry? Ann Curry lost the last 4 years of her career. Ann Curry was pushed out of The Today Show because of the “boys’ club atmosphere behind the scenes” at The Today Show. One of the books Duana cites most often on Show Your Work is Brian Stelter’s Top Of The Morning. Definitely add it to your holiday reading list if you haven’t already read it. There’s a detailed part in there about Ann Curry was treated and how they pushed her out. They allegedly called it Operation Bambi. Operation Bambi! Because she’s so sweet they knew they were silencing a beloved but defenceless deer! New York Magazine published a summary of Operation Bambi a few years ago. And here’s the excerpt from that part of the book in the NY Times. 

This morning the old boys’ club cancelled Matt Lauer’s membership. But that doesn’t mean the old boys’ club isn’t out here trying to save itself. That old boys’ club exists everywhere, in every industry. Right now, some of them are even trying to get one of their own elected. 

Yours in gossip,
