Earlier this week, 72 female British Members of Parliament wrote an open letter to Meghan Markle, offering their support and solidarity “against the distasteful and misleading” stories about her in the British tabloids. It was MP Holly Lynch who led the initiative and she was interviewed yesterday about the letter and why she decided to show up for House Sussex. She also revealed that Meghan of House Sussex called her personally to thank her: 

“We were quite happy to stand with her and recognise that what she’s going through has on occasion had xenophobic undertones.”

When asked again about the “colonial racist undertones”, the MP doubled down: 

“I’ve been real concerned about some of the narratives, some of the articles, that have been incredibly sexist but also that she is not from this country, she’s from elsewhere, and we’re not happy about that. I’m afraid that’s unacceptable in this day and age.”

As you know, royal reporters have insisted that their coverage of Meghan is not racially biased and they attribute accusations of bias to the hysteria of fans on the internet. Here are 72 Members of Parliament, not hiding behind an egg on Twitter, who are calling them out for the same. Not sure it’s going to change their minds but now that it’s been named, and officially printed on letterhead, it certainly adds weight to Meghan’s position. And it’ll be interesting to see how the courtiers within the various households react to it. They probably don’t like it, and the stuffiest among them will probably say it’s “not royal” to be acknowledging and courting public support but at the same time, they probably won’t be able to deny that this letter, is symbolic of Meghan’s power. This, after all, as it always is at royal court, is about power – accumulating it, managing it, and, sometimes, taking it. These people at the palaces have been playing power games for centuries…but they’ve been playing it by their rules, by old rules. The game has changed though, the moves that used to work for them might not work for much longer - and they might not be able to adapt in time. The Sussexes aren’t just building a case against the tabloids, there’s a growing sense now that they feel unsupported from within. And, sure, while some people might not be onside with the Sussexes, there are going to be those who will be, who’ll see this as an abandonment. Which, of course, evokes the memory of the People’s Princess who also said she felt like they didn’t have her back. 

Harry and Meghan are said to be taking a six week break from royal duties and at some point will be spending Thanksgiving in America. PEOPLE reports that:

“This is Archie’s first Thanksgiving,” a source tells PEOPLE in this week’s issue, “and family is going to be very important for Meghan for the holidays.”

“This would also be Harry’s first Thanksgiving in the States,” adds the source. “It will be nice for them to be around people that love them and have him understand her traditions too.”

“It will be nice for them to be around people that love them.” Well you can’t miss that shade, can you?