Meghan Markle visited the Al Manaar Community Centre today to visit with members of the Hubb Kitchen. Earlier this year, they partnered to launch Together: Our Community Cookbook to raise awareness and support for survivors of the Grenfell Tower fire served by the Hubb initiative. It also happens to be Thanksgiving tomorrow in the US where Meghan was born – a smart way for her to connect with both her homes, acknowledging the tradition of her home country while engaging with citizens of her new country. 

While inside, she put on an apron and got to work, a familiar scene in America every year at Thanksgiving, particularly with celebrities. This visit is being called a “surprise”, as it was not previously announced, although the presence of photographers and media waiting at the event will tell you that it wasn’t exactly unexpected, it’s just that they didn’t send out a public release alerting people as to where she would be ahead of time. Good decision. Makes the occasion feel warm, less formal, which has been the spirit, the vibe, of this project from the very beginning. This is Royal Meghan showing her work. Excellent public relations. Ten points for Sussex. 

Meghan is wearing Club Monaco, in two shades of burgundy. Good colour on her. And I love the velvet collar. The boots are Givenchy, probably her best choice in footwear in a long, long time. Finally. FINALLY. A style win. 


A style twin? 

You just groaned. I’m sorry. I had to. 

Check the next post. (Or, if you’re visiting later in the day and not reading us in real time, this refers to the post above.)