Michael B Jordan has been to the Oscars. When he goes to the Oscars it's a treat. Or, as Kathleen would say, it's a snack. Here's a reminder of what MBJ looked like the last time he was at the Oscars:

MBJ's name is not on the Oscar list this year. This is really too bad. Not that anyone is complaining about Chadwick Boseman being at the Oscars, f-ck no. But both of them? T'Challa and Eric presenting together? Perhaps that would have been too explosive. Or perhaps it's what we have to wait for, look forward to. There's already all kinds of talk about Black Panther being an Oscar possibility next year. 

For now, here's MBJ last night at the Piaget celebration of Independent Film with The Art of Elysium. Like I said, a treat. Or a snack. Both work.