This is my favourite story of the day and it’s about a celebrity breakup that I never knew I would be so invested in. They say the split is amicable but people have doubts because there’s crossover on the timeline and someone has already moved onto a partner who was apparently lurking around waiting for her moment. There’s always one! But seriously, I lost it when Cara Delevingne came up. LOL forever. (Dlisted) 


I could not defend Heidi Klum the other day in this space about a look she wore on a red carpet. That's often the case with her – and it’s a weird disconnect. She can never get it right on a red carpet. But her street style is actually quite fun; I really like this denim-on-denim outfit on her, so I remain confused about why her style is so bad when she’s going to an event. (Go Fug Yourself)

Meghan Markle talks to Gloria Steinem and Vogue about a post-Roe v Wade reality and their commitment to continue fighting for reproductive rights. (Cele|bitchy)

Ricky Martin is filming a new video and he looks really, really, REALLY good. Get ready for a lot of Ricky content coming our way – not just music either. It was announced a few weeks ago that he’ll be the lead in a new Apple comedy series called Mrs American Pie with a cast that includes Kristen Wiig, Laura Dern, and Allison Janney. (OMG Blog) 


There are many reasons why people seek abortions. Lauren Conrad has revealed that she had an abortion when she found out she had an ectopic pregnancy – which means that the abortion potentially saved her life and helped her create more life as she went on to have two children afterwards. With the US Supreme Court striking down Roe v Wade, this may not be an option for many, many, many American women. Even before SCOTUS’s decision, there were women in Texas who had to drive 15 hours to have their ectopic pregnancies terminated. THIS IS INHUMANE, there’s no other word for it. (The Cut)