My big takeaway from Kate Cambridge’s Bedtime Story is that she covered her feet and was wearing a Fair Isle sweater. (Cele|bitchy) 

Now this is good gossip, even if it’s not true. Supposedly Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire went out the other night and Leo tried to wingman Tobey, but none of the girls who were introduced to Tobey were interested. Is that a reflection on Tobey or on Leo’s lazy winging? I can’t imagine Leo has to do much to help himself when he’s hooking himself up so his effort level when he’s winging – is it more or less than that? (Dlisted) 


Juliette Binoche is wearing a great orange suit – I love it. Love the length of the jacket, love that she’s belted it, the pants are good too…but they’re not really operating at their full capacity because of those shoes. Those shoes are not it. (Go Fug Yourself) 

I can’t remember the dumbest question I’ve been asked, probably because in this scenario I’m more likely to be the one asking the dumb questions. Or what some would consider a dumb question. Like I don’t know the names of things, especially things in the kitchen. I didn’t know what a “colander” was until I was well into my 20s, for example. Also why can’t we just call it a “strainer”? Also there are probably a lot of IT people out there who think I’m a f-cking idiot with the questions I’ve asked. “Why isn’t my email working” is one of my classics. (Pajiba) 

Do you remember “millennial pink”? Veronique Hyland is the person who coined the term and here’s an excerpt from her upcoming book, Dress Code, about how the expression took on a life of its own, and how she feels about giving those two words to the world. It’s a provocative, surprising, complicated read. (ELLE)