Last year, Olivia Colman gave one of the best acceptance speeches of the night when she won the Best Actress Oscar for her performance in The Favourite. She is also an excellent presenter. Last night she got up there and talked about her sex life which was adorable and delightful because, of course, it’s Olivia Colman and you think she’s all proper and sh-t when, well, that’s only on the surface which you’d know if you’ve seen The Favourite with its liberal use of the word “cunt” and also her appearances in Fleabag. There’s always been the sense that, in private, when you’re part of her world, Olivia Colman is a f-cking scream, a dirty broad – is there any other kind? 

But what makes her presenting moment at the Oscars so hilarious, in particular, is her delivery of her sex joke about her husband – because the language is clean, so clean it could pass on daytime, and because she’s playing it like she’s so proper, that’s the dirtiest she’d ever get, in between all those adorable hiccups and chuckles after she landed a punchline. Also that smile. That smile is irresistible. 

She also looked f-cking amazing with her new blonde hair in that blue velvet Stella McCartney. Oh hi, Olivia, I see you, feeling yourself, posing with your hand on your hip and a slight lean: 


She knows she looks good here. She knows that the dress suits her perfectly, that the sleeves, cut out and then folded, and the split cape at the back is maybe her best outfit ever – regal and luxurious, beautifully tailored, super respectable for the setting but with kind of a hint of danger if you hit the right button, right? 

I also love this shot of her shortly after presenting Best Actor to Joaquin Phoenix as Jane Fonda strokes his face: 


What do you think someone like Olivia is thinking in this moment, as Joaquin morosely reflects on his win and Jane, with her eyes closed, is trying to bless him?