This is a selfish pick for Outfit of the Week – who am I kidding? It’s almost always a selfish pick – but this, this is head to toe my f-cking jam. Polished high collar turtleneck dress, white up top, which is smart because the whiteness opens it up, giving Noomi Rapace the accessory option and she went with big ass earrings that are borderline extra but it works because it’s not fighting with any hair. 

You know what’s underrated? A wide sleeve. I’m not talking around the wrists but around the armpits. It’s a good silhouette when the waist is tapered, which it is here, and it makes the wearing so much more comfortable. I can better tolerate a defined waist if you give my arms and my pits, and therefore my back, room to breathe. 

And what makes this dress extra special is the stitching, those thin white stripes around the cuff, through the midsection, and along the hem (I’m not convinced that the hem stripes are totally necessary but they don’t take away anything) – God I want to know what this material feels like on. The material looks weighted but soft too. GIMME!