The Fug Girls are not into this look on Pedro Pascal but I very much am. This look is a choice, a choice that not everyone should make. But not all people are Pedro Pascal. And he has the right groove for this kind of weird-borderline-sleeze steeze. Also, with his Internet Daddy rep right now, I wonder if he’s kind of pushing against that. Like, let me see just how thirsty these people are for me and what I can get away with. Pretty sure he got away with it and it’s only increased the thirst. (Go Fug Yourself)  


Do you know “Reggie”? Because supposedly he stole $2 billion dollars. So now it’s not just one man who wants to find him, it’s everyone. Reggie is the world’s number one target. (Dlisted)

Paul Rudd always gets asked to take pictures with dogs and kids. And he feels bad because the kids don’t give a sh-t about him, but their parents do and the three year old is stuck posing next to some dude they don’t know. Well let me tell you – the dog doesn’t give a sh-t either because I know Paul Rudd doesn’t walk around with dog treats so have some sympathy for the dogs, Paul! (Cele|bitchy)   

I’ve never heard of a darkness retreat but now that Aaron Rodgers went on one I never want to hear about it again. I’m scared, sometimes, of my own basement, let alone a strange place that isn’t home where there are no lights, especially during the winter when we already know the lack of light affects people’s mental health. (Pajiba)  

An update on Olivia Wilde and Harry Styles – spoiler, they’re not back together. (PEOPLE)