Penelope Cruz, still campaigning for that Best Supporting Actress slot, is on the cover of Elle. She really does have an incredible face. (Go Fug Yourself)


Amanda Butler shares her story about being diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer at 32 and underwent the double trial of freezing her eggs and starting chemo. She shares her story, including how uncompassionate care made the egg retrieval, especially, that much harder. I had a cancer scare last year, and the only thing that made that time tolerable was the incredibly compassionate care team I had during my surgery/biopsy process. Shout out to all the healthcare workers aiding people through the darkest time of their life, you truly do make a difference. Also, we should definitely talk more about how hard egg retrieval really is! (Popsugar)


Pierce Brosnan plead not guilty to trespassing into restricted areas of Yellowstone National Park. I mean, there’s a photo, so good luck with that, guy. But also—DON’T DO THAT. Not only is it bad for the delicate ecosystem, it’s so dangerous! The ground isn’t always stable, there are dangerous animals about. There’s a reason the park has signs everywhere designating safe versus non-safe areas. Anyway, can’t wait to hear Pierce Brosnan explain the photo evidence of him walking near the thermal springs. (Celebitchy)


Cheryl Hines is on the cover of The Hollywood Reporter making her pitch for first lady if her pro-conspiracy, anti-vaxx husband, RFK Jr., should somehow win the US presidential election. He won’t, he’s more likely to pull votes from Biden, thus handing Trump a second term. Sorry to be cynical, but that is the scenario. RFK Jr. is a spoiler a la Ralph Nader, and Cherly Hines is propping him up. We’re doomed to the tune of the Curb Your Enthusiam theme. (THR)

Let’s end on a chaotic note, here’s a new interview with Eric Andre, absolute chaos agent. He has a new comedy special on Adult Swim. It gets lost amidst his pranks and (brilliant) TV show, but Eric Andre is a GREAT standup, his act is inventive, hilarious, and boundary pushing. His new special is terrific. Can’t wait for it to not be nominated for a Golden Globe next year! (UPROXX)