People are freaking out over Reese Witherspoon eating snow and, I dunno, I was born and still live in Canada and we used to do this sh-t all the time. We also, stupidly, used to put our tongues on frozen metal at the playground and somehow we survived. Am I saying I would lick a swingset now? F-ck no. But I would probably eat fresh snow. If I was thirsty enough I would. (Celebitchy)


Look, I know that it’s basically a crime to show up at Dolly Parton’s birthday and f-ck it up and I’m not trying to defend what happened but I do wonder if there’s something serious going on and now I worry about this girl because the hate that’s coming her way is probably unbearable. So while we honour Dolly, can someone please check on Elle? (Pajiba)

Maybe someone should also check on Oliver Stone because he’s entered the Barbie chat and appears to be dragging Ryan Gosling for being in the Barbie movie, implying that it’s beneath him. Never mind that for some of us it’s the best performance of Ryan’s career. But this is some toxic dude sh-t right here. This is the effect that women’s art has on (some) men. (Uproxx)


During the pandemic, I decided I wanted to get pierced. I already have three holes (one that’s grown in) in my left ear and one in my right. My goal was to get the left ear pierced all the way up. Duana is my piercing advisor. I don’t know how much I’m allowed to say so I’ll just leave it at the fact that she’s experienced. Anyway, that was my intention. And then I got lazy and busy and never got around to it so it’s on my list for this year. Now I have to think about whether I want a conch piercing. (Popsugar)

Someone is trying to mount a comeback. There’s a new song and an album on the way. Do we care? TNT is all over our timelines and the Oscar nominations are coming tomorrow and it’s Sundance and Paris Fashion Week and there is so much going on… so can we unsubscribe and ignore? This hasn’t been making much of an impact on my feeds but maybe it’s because my algorithm knows I don’t care. What about yours? (Billboard)