Prince Harry and Meghan Markle made The Hollywood Reporter’s list of the Losers of 2023. And my question about this is media-related. Because THR is owned by the same company as Variety which is Pensky. And Meghan has a good relationship with Variety. She’s granted Variety a couple of interviews and she showed up at Variety’s Power of Women event recently, which was a big get for them. So…. now that Variety’s sister trade publication has just called the Sussexes losers, what does that do to the Sussexes’ relationship with Variety? (Cele|bitchy)
Mashable is counting down the best television shows of the year and I think Jury Duty is too low on this list! (Mashable)
I think I probably like anything that Rosamund Pike wears and this outfit is no exception. The blouse is beautiful, a classic. And pairing it with the animal print skirt is excellent. (Go Fug Yourself)
It’s been a while since Seth Meyers did a Day Drinking segment, right? Or maybe I just haven’t paid attention to a Day Drinking segment since Rihanna’s. Anyway, Dua Lipa’s is pretty good – maybe too good because I think her people had to step in and pull her out, haha. She wasn’t too far gone that she revealed anything she didn’t want to, though. And she asked him a really good question about late night hosts. (OMG Blog)
I never really thought about “hacker” style but… yes… there is a style of dress for hackers and it’s been consistent over a couple of decades. (The Cut)