We are now being told that Prince William doesn’t mind when and if Princess Kate eclipses him. So basically he’s not like his father, now the King of England, who minded very much when Princess Diana eclipsed him. That did not end with the death of Diana because, as we have seen, the King has never been all that comfortable when his children eclipse him either. (Celebitchy) 


Today is Ted McGinley’s birthday, he’s 65 years old. Up until a few months ago, most of us knew Ted from Married…With Children. Or maybe Happy Days. But now we know Ted as Derek, in Shrinking. Who is married to Liz, and they are Jimmy’s (Jason Segel) next-door neighbours. The show is hilarious, I love it so much, and Derek is f-cking hilarious. Can we call it a late-breakthrough role in the career of an actor who’s been at it for like 40 years? Maybe more? Also he looks great in this leotard. (Dlisted)

As mentioned last week, for Brie Larson at Cannes, it was a full Chanel takeover. Her final Chanel look of the festival was also a winner. So now the question is… was this just a fling? Or will it be an actual relationship? (Go Fug Yourself)

It seems like once a year, someone sings “The Star Spangled Banner” at a sporting event and people start bitching about it. This time it’s Jewel’s rendition at the Indy 500 and … I dunno, it sounds fine to me, why are they so mad?! (Pajiba)

Now that Succession is over, The Ringer is ranking the best TV finales of the 21st century. No surprise which episode ends up in the top spot, though I am surprised where Succession is on this list. And I’m also very, very, VERY happy to see that Friday Night Lights is way, way, way up there! (The Ringer)